Jun - Jul 2020
min read

Outdoor Survival Logo & Branding

Branding for Oz Survival. An Australian wilderness survival expert, focused on educating the public on how to survive and live off the land in Australia.

Ken Wilkinson
Ken Wilkinson
Creative Director
Outdoor Survival Logo & Branding


Marc from Oz survival approached us on doing a logo inspired by his skills in outdoor survival. This would be a rebrand, as he wasn't happy with his logo or brand that he currently had. Branding for Oz Survival was unique in the sense that it was not just a business, but a personal brand, as Mark and his image are the focus. Marc is an Australian wilderness survival expert, focused on educating the public on how to survive and live off the land in Australia. With this in mind we were able to create the brand around his image.

Project Goals and Objectives

The outline for this brief was to achieve the following.

The Process

Starting this project we did a discovery session, where we gathered what the client was after and how they were wanting to implement the logo. We looked at similar logos and the competition around this brand. We discussed issues and concerns with his current brand and logo which required updating or fixing. The current logo was lacking depth, and he felt it looked too stock image like. The biggest concern was the face looked nothing like his, which was requested.

After going away from our first meeting, Marc sent several images of his face that he liked and thought would suit the brand. The final choice was the one shown below. It was perfect for this scenario. A front on, candid photo. Rugged itself. So we then proceeded with this as inspiration and the foundation for the logo.

Provided Photo for the Logo

The Results

After a few revisions and tweaking we went from this;

Oz Survival - Old Logo

To this logo - shown below. Marc was incredibly happy and taken back how good the final result turned out. We were able to vectorize his face, adding detail, bringing out certain parts and bringing through his iconic face. As the bradn is him, we added touches of character, by adding an established date - his birth year. We also were able to reinforce the Australian theme by using a hexagonal background, reminiscent of our road signs, a shade of orange less saturated and closer to an earthy colour, and an updated brand message and guidelines for him to go away with.

Oz Survival - Rebrand

If you are looking for a branding refresh or a new brand all together, contact us today to get started.