Web design
Oct - Nov 2020
min read

Reinventing a brand & standing out

Recycling Enterprises is a business that specialises in the metal recycling industry. We were approached by them to re-build a new site that could drive more customers to their business, make it easier for customers both on mobile and desktop to contact the team at recycling enterprises for any inquiries, but especially for quotes, and the ability to sell products through their site. We were able to deliver on this and keep to the timeline that they were wanting.

Ken Wilkinson
Ken Wilkinson
Creative Director
Reinventing a brand & standing out


Recycling Enterprises is a business that specialises in the metal recycling industry. We were approached by them to re-build a new site that could drive more customers to their business, make it easier for customers both on mobile and desktop to contact the team at recycling enterprises for any inquiries, but especially for quotes, and the ability to sell products through their site. We were able to deliver on this and keep to the timeline that they were wanting. 

Home Page Landing

1. Context & Challenge

Project Background

Recycling Enterprises approached us to redesign their website from the ground up, with the goal to have the new website up within 2 weeks and to help customers easier than ever be able to get quotes and contact the the team at Recycling Enterprises. We reached that goal with delivering the website in one and a half weeks, including feedback from the client and updating it to meet their needs.

Why a new site?

Recycling enterprises had already a site up and running. However, they mentioned concerns on performance, ease of use, and the ability to drive customers to contact them, whether it be via email or over the phone. The website was dated and hard to maintain for the client, with the constant need to update plug-ins and understand the backend of the website, which lead to the site not performing or looking as professional as it could be.

Screenshots of the Mobile Site

The second reason for a new website was to add in an eCommerce functionality, allowing the business to sell parts and other items generating additional revenue and ensuring customers check the website on a regular basis to find bargains to buy - therefore driving up google ranking organically. So why not Shopify? Well, selling to the public is not Recycling Enterprises primary business, rather supplementary. We listened and understood that we needed to present the business in a professional light, and use easy to contact methods first. Then add in eCommerce functionality to the site as a secondary focus.

If they were selling items that were standard, such as phone cases and shipping them out to customers this would make sense. But due to the nature of complexity with what they will be selling, this made the most sense. We furthered the customers buying experience by having not only the standard “Buy Now” button, but an additional “Make an enquiry” button, allowing customers to ask if they can pickup in person, have it sent or collected to travel interstate etc. 

Example of a product for sale live at the time of this post

Project Goals and Objectives

The objectives for the new website were clear after our initial meeting. The website needed to reduce bounce rates, funnel customers to engage with the business by multiple call to actions places throughout the website, and to give the business the opportunity to sell to the public any parts, cars or other items, therefore by creating additional streams of revenue for the business. This is all achieved by creating a simple, modern and easy to navigate website, that was clear on what the business could provide to their customers.

2. The Process

When doing new or refreshing existing websites, we have an initial meeting with every client in person. Ideally the whole team, as this captures more ideas, concerns and feedback, as your team knows your business well. We listen, we hear what is working, what isn’t and what your customers have said they’ve had issues with or wished your site could offer. eg. Booking online, availability, easier contact methods, quick quotes, and more. This is when we discuss timelines and achievables.

We then take this away with us, brainstorm, focus on ways to funnel customers through the site more efficiently. We research your competitors and what is already being done currently. This is then taken to make your website plan, sitemap and strategy to make your business stand out and perform better than any one else’s site.

Feedback is crucial. So when presenting the website plan to your business, we then take additional feedback and concerns before the site development begins. Usually websites have between 3-7 reviews before being ready to publish. We strive for the most modern and professional sites for our clients. Sites that not only perform but help drive your business forward.

3. The Results

Visit: www.recyclingenterprises.com.au

Since launching the new website for Recycling Enterprises, they have seen an

If you are looking for a website refresh or a new site all together, contact us today to get started.